Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Facebook API is Complicated!

Hey all,

I'm sure by now everyone has heard of or knows what Facebook is. Its probably the largest social network site in existence. As any of you who have visited the site will know, it has a very large app following whether these be games, fitness groups or whatever.

I thought i'd try my hand at joining this bandwagon by releasing an app of my own. A Facebook version of Webby. This however is much more difficult then I was expecting. The actual coding of the game is fairly simple. And even the server side PHP shouldn't be a problem.

What is turning out to be a problem is figuring out the Facebook API, or rather which version of the Facebook API I should be using, there seems to be around 10 or so different versions none of which work the same, and yet I can't find decent documentation for any of them.

It almost feels like Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook team are being deliberately difficult.

Still i'm sticking to it, I will figure out how to get this working and with any luck you'll see a Webby App soon.

- Nutter


  1. Sounds interesting. Hopefully, it'll turn out for the better.

  2. cool post dude i followed

  3. keep up the hard work it will pay off.

  4. programming- the challenge that never ends lol +follow

  5. Best of luck with your Facebook API deal. I don't even know haha.

  6. Can't see why we can't just have a universal programming program that we can all use to program everything :S

  7. Haha If only such a thing were possible Gaming Genius

  8. Good luck with your App. I'll stand by your blog to watch developments +followed

  9. Good luck with your app, sounds interesting :)

  10. best of luck. sometimes programing logic makes more sence then real life though.

  11. Indeed. The Facebook API isn't your friend. I tried so hard editing a plugin for Wordpress but the API is just a bitch. Cool blog mate.
